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That's a bit of a coincidence. I've had the book for a while and decided on something a little bit lighter after Children of Dune.
Enjoy, but also maybe read a couple more before making a judgement ;)
That sounds ominous ...
They are fun, but Terry himself admitted he didn't get into his stride with Discworld until the third book. Personally I fell in love with Mort, which I think was book 4? After that there was no way back, I was a lifelong fan from the on. :)
Did I mention Colour of Magic before?

Have you read Messiah?

I might have made a few complaints about it on here ...
You know, I was just looking at that.

Some weird dual-book reading going on between us.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
I realize my initial response about coincidence was unclear.
No ... 😞 That ruins that theory.
It does sound interesting ...