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You know your #wifi connection thingy on your devices?

Does the fact your device picks up on other people's networks slow your overall connection?

Should you delete/forget other people's connections?

You mean saved connections? No, it's fine. As long as they aren't physically overlapping, it won't cause issues.

Regarding other people's WiFi, your router should automatically choose clear channels to prevent interference.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Thanks. I just see loads of other people's wifi channels and wondered if it slowed things down.
You can get an app for your phone that analyses the WiFi around you, it'll show you how busy the air waves are. If there are no empty channels, then it will affect you. 2.5G has far less range than 5GHz, so having 5GHz may help if 2.5GHz is full.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Ooh. I'll check that out. Sounds useful.
Deleting the other wi-fi connection profiles makes no difference at all unless you have the passwords to the other networks and it is attempting to connect to them first. If that’s the case, you can delete the passwords (using the “forget” function) and it will not try again. There are also some apps which enable to you specify a refined priority so it first tries the network that you prioritize.
If you are asking more about connection speed, you can assign a less common channel your network. I think most routers default to channel 6 or something. Some apps will show you the channels of each of the networks in range. If you pick one your neighbors are not using it will cut down interference.