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Homan is claiming people in Chicago are so well educated by Know Your Rights pamphlets that ICE is having difficulty arresting people & deporting them.

ICE, w/their guns, battering rams, search warrants & an $8.7 billion budget is being thwarted by pamphlets?!

No, it’s Homan’s failure as a leader.

#USpol #Homan #ICE #Chicago #pamphlets
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Like they really expected people to just stand around waiting to be loaded into boxcars and shipped off to concentration camps.
yes. It seems they did. May they regret the day they even thought to try.
The result of his dummy spit, is that more people are aware that they 'have' rights, and have gone looking for advice. Homan woulda had'em, if not for those lousy do-gooders. @lauren
someone else said it’s like he’s a Scooby Doo villain, his plan would have worked if it weren’t for the meddling kids.