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“Hitler's Enabling Act (1933) let his cabinet bypass parliament while claiming to ‘save democracy.’

Yesterday's Executive Order lets White House control all independent agencies while claiming to ‘restore democracy.’

They're not even changing the playbook. It couldn't be more obvious but they're disguising it all in democratic language to fool lesser civically-minded citizens.

See the comparison below between yesterday's EO and The Enabling Act.”

via @pardonmycrumbs@threads.net

#USpol #coup
[table that cannot be rendered as clearly in text only]   1933 Enabling Act vs 2025 Executive Order:  Key Parallels  Language and Justification   1933 Enabling Act  "Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich"b "Streamlining government for efficiency"  "Constitutional reform for the people"  "Unified leadership"   2025 Executive Order  "Restoring Democracy and Accountability"  "Ensuring a Government that Answers to the People"  "Restoring Constitutional governance"  "Single President vested with executive power!    Actual Effects   1933 Changes Centralized power in Chancellor's office  Eliminated independent state powers  Presented as temporary measure  Used existing legal framework  Claimed democratic legitimacy   2025 Changes  Centralizes power in President's office  Eliminates independent agency powers  Presented as constitutional restoration  Uses existing legal framework  Claims democratic accountability