Protest and mass mobilization carry risks:
1. Police/military could escalate and crack down.
2. Black bloc might rush into reciprocal violence.
3. Decentralized movements can splinter and lose coherence.
There are resources that can help point the way.
Gene Sharp (RIP): From Dictatorship to Democracy
Also, Erica Chenoweth, Civil Resistance: What Everyone Needs to Know
#uspol #democracy #resistance #civildisobedience #nonviolence
1. Police/military could escalate and crack down.
2. Black bloc might rush into reciprocal violence.
3. Decentralized movements can splinter and lose coherence.
There are resources that can help point the way.
Gene Sharp (RIP): From Dictatorship to Democracy
Also, Erica Chenoweth, Civil Resistance: What Everyone Needs to Know
#uspol #democracy #resistance #civildisobedience #nonviolence
From Dictatorship to Democracy
Twenty-one years ago, at a friend’s request, a Massachusetts professor sketched out a blueprint for nonviolent resistance to repressive regimes.The New Press
Alexander Karn •
Nonviolence, Power, and Possibility: The Life of Gene Sharp
James L. VanHise ( Karn •
Nonviolent Action Lab – Ash Center
Ash CenterAlexander Karn •
- YouTube
youtu.beAlexander Karn •
--Timothy Snyder
Alexander Karn •
50501 Protests Update as Anti-Trump March in 50 States Expands
James Bickerton (Newsweek)Alexander Karn •
Alexander Karn •
Here are some things we can accomplish:
1. Cultivate active, engaged citizenship.
2. Build and foster broad solidarity.
3. Incentivize political leadership.
4. Take control of the narrative.
5. Signal to non-Americans that we are not done yet.
5. Take the temperature of police and security forces.
6. Enact a culture of non-violence.
LukefromDC •
You cannot lie down in front of a column of Nazi Panzers and expect to actually halt them.