Trying not to fall into nihilism, "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die" kind of thinking. (My privileged life has not prepared me in any way for the dissolution of the social contract that appears to be coming.)
US obviously, but what are your favorite concrete activist strategies that might help rebuild eventually? Writing my senator is laughable, and I'm looking for other options. Volunteering is the obvious choice but I'm not sure for whom.
#ActivismInAction ??
US obviously, but what are your favorite concrete activist strategies that might help rebuild eventually? Writing my senator is laughable, and I'm looking for other options. Volunteering is the obvious choice but I'm not sure for whom.
#ActivismInAction ??
irilyth •
I also trust Bruce's opinions about a lot of this stuff, and he *is* on Mastodon, so I'll leave it to him to speak for himself, if he has ideas. :^ )
Contest Every Race
www.contesteveryrace.combhahne •
For immediate high-priority reading I'm directing people to these two essays, one of which is by an expert nonviolence trainer and the other by a research journalist:
The Hunter essay point #5 describes four different possible roles to play in resistance.
10 ways to be prepared and grounded it Trump wins
Daniel Hunter (Waging Nonviolence)bhahne •
bhahne •
If you're in Ohio and this is an area where your compassion lies, get in touch with in-state trans-positive advocacy groups and ask them what they need. I would think that people in a leadership role in academia could play a significant resistance role by influencing university policy.
Ohio transgender bathroom ban heads to governor's desk
Kiara Alfonseca (ABC News)bhahne •
bhahne •
bhahne •
bhahne •
"Indivisible: A Practical Guide to Democracy on the Brink"
Indivisible: A Practical Guide to Democracy on the Brink
Google Docsbhahne •
bhahne •
I'm not ready to take a stand in favor of either position. I think there will be resistance groups that adhere to different positions but that can (and must) work with each other to fight US fascism.
bhahne •
"Resources on resistance to autocracy and fascism"
Easy link:
Feel free to share the link if you find the page helpful. I'll need to find more ways to publicize it.
#uspol #resistance #nonviolence - resist •