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ExpressVPN Finally Gives Linux Users Split Tunnelling and a GUI

Illustration of a user connected to ExpressVPN, displaying a Tokyo server location and an interface with a power button symbol.
“The ExpressVPN on Linux GUI, now available in beta, will enjoy a general release with the v4 update later this year. It’s essentially a 1:1 port of the ExpressVPN GUI that Windows and macOS users have enjoyed for some time. It’s got the same interface, it offers dark mode support, and it works in 17 languages.”

Very nice, and this would put ExpressVPN ahead of Proton VPN on Linux. Proton’s VPN client is a GUI client, but it lacks some of the Windows client’s features, such as the split tunnelling. Linux users can add manual routing to their GUI Network Manager to achieve this, but I’m sure novice users will be unsure how to do this.

So, well done ExpressVPN!

See https://www.howtogeek.com/expressvpn-linux-gui-beta
#Blog, #linux, #technology, #VPN