Besides the fact that diversity, equality and inclusion essentially means “fairness” which is something everyone should be behind, what they’re doing is forcing institutions to expend time, energy and resources to defend their polices.
It will reduce the schools’ ability to address these and other essential needs for students, like school lunches and actual education.
Thanks, non-Kamala voters.
Why Dept. of Education’s anti-DEI order will challenge schools : NPR
It will reduce the schools’ ability to address these and other essential needs for students, like school lunches and actual education.
Thanks, non-Kamala voters.
Why Dept. of Education’s anti-DEI order will challenge schools : NPR
Timo •
Tony S. voted for Democrats •
First, I obviously agree about the Democrat-blaming. As we’ve said many times around here, they can’t use power they don’t have and on top of that, I’ve seen some big accounts actually telling lies about that and the past.
Second, I’m also annoyed at the people outside the USA grouping us all together. I am unpleasantly surprised about that.
And yes, how people are forgetting that last part is really…interesting.
Melody Wainscott •
Americans do it constantly with their “Ok, Boomer”.
Put that kind of thinking on a Cartesian plot. Their Y value will always equal 1 no matter the X value.
I call it flatline thinking. They are flatliners.
I am not surprised.
RememberUsAlways •
A clear majority of the current despots in the world are Boomers. Putin 1952. Xi 1953. Erdogan 1954. Trump 1946. Orban 1963.
The trend of greedy exploitive criminals is hard to deny. Time will win in the end. Always does.
@TonyStark @timo21
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
Timo •
RememberUsAlways •
But time is running out for the Boomers to correct their legacy.
History will be harsh if the irresponsible neglect continues.
@MelodyWainscott @TonyStark
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
Timo •
Timo •
Realtime US Baby Boomer Death Clock Born 1946 to 1964
incendar.comIvey Janette McClelland •
RememberUsAlways •
The list of despot Boomers seems to be unending.
@timo21 @MelodyWainscott @TonyStark
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
Timo •
Ivey Janette McClelland •
Timo •
cusper spanning the late Baby Boomer Generation and the early Generation X
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Ivey Janette McClelland •
Doreen32128 •
PNW Deb •
JustKathy •
Court Cantrell will not comply •
RememberUsAlways •
Best leaders.
@timo21 @MelodyWainscott @TonyStark
PNW Deb •
Val.kreis •
I really don't believe that the next generations will do better.
m0xEE •
OMG, he's THAT old?!
Why did he make fun of Biden's age then? This makes no fucking sense! 😲
@MelodyWainscott @TonyStark @timo21
Timo •
RememberUsAlways •
States Biden had flipped like Georgia and Arizona in 2020, flipped back to Republicans.
Then the debate happened and everyone bailed on Biden, 80 days before the election.
@m0xee @MelodyWainscott @TonyStark
m0xEE •
Otherwise it's like: "Look at this man, laugh at him — he's old! I'll be just like him by the end of my term if I take the office",— like… what? 🤪
PNW Deb •
RememberUsAlways •
I can list them for you again if you like. Attacking me won't change the facts.
Good day.
@MelodyWainscott @TonyStark @timo21
Tony S. voted for Democrats •
That a lot of a certain sort of person is in a position of power isn’t causation and could be related to the time it takes to get there. Younger or older people than that aren’t immune from being shitheads.
And nobody insulted anyone.
Maybe there are better uses of our time than “boomer” attacks.
PNW Deb •
RememberUsAlways •
It's the leaders of this world we live in that share the responsibility of this shit show and they just happen to all be Boomers.
I could be a total dick and suggest it's time for the entire generation to retire but let's try to accept simple facts with dignity.
@TonyStark @MelodyWainscott @timo21
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
Tony S. voted for Democrats •
I have no time for any more of this so I’m exiting it in the way that works best. Seriously, arguing about boomers is one of the worst conversations I’ve been in here so please get out from under my toot.
@DebR @MelodyWainscott @timo21
RememberUsAlways •
A clear majority of the current despots in the world are Boomers. Putin 1952. Xi 1953. Erdogan 1954. Trump 1946. Orban 1963.
Lukashenko 1954. Al Nahyan 1961. Al-Alimi 1954. Mbasogo 1942. Mikati 1955. Abbas 1935.
The list of despot Boomers seems to be unending.
@DebR @MelodyWainscott @timo21
chiasm •
PNW Deb •
PNW Deb •
Mary Margaret 🇨🇦🌈🇺🇦 ☮️ 🍸 •
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
RememberUsAlways •
@DebR @MelodyWainscott @TonyStark @timo21
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
qwertzalotl •
RememberUsAlways, we had that discussion not too long ago. I'm sad to see you're still on that boomer track...
RememberUsAlways •
Lukashenko 1954. Al Nahyan 1961. Al-Alimi 1954. Mbasogo 1942. Mikati 1955. Abbas 1935.
The list of despot Boomers seems to be unending.
This is not disparaging Boomers because I'm sure it's all coincidence.
RememberUsAlways hat dies geteilt
chiasm •