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💥 #Ukrainian #Resistance Blows Up #Russian FSB Officer in Occupied #Mariupol

🚀 Ukrainian resistance fighters in Mariupol successfully detonated a car bomb targeting a Russian #FSB officer in the #Primorsky district on 28 February, Mariupol Resistance reports. The officer is in intensive care, with little chance of survival.

⚔️ Following the attack, Russian forces launched mass arrests and security sweeps across the city. However, the partisans confirmed that their operatives had already escaped safely. The ATESH resistance group noted that Russia has increased patrols and document checks, fearing the growing underground movement.

💡 #Politico previously highlighted Russia’s population replacement strategy in Mariupol, where 460 Ukrainian residential buildings have been demolished to make way for Russian settlers. Despite Moscow’s crackdown, partisan activity continues to rise, proving that even deep in occupied territory, Ukraine’s resistance remains active and effective.
A car bomb explodes in a massive fireball killing the occupant (Russian FSB officer) instantly
This is Gaza-style fighting and these tactics WORK. Note that Gaza was able to force Israel to sign a ceasefire they had previously rejected under humiliating conditions.

Demolishing a community and planting settlers is exactly what Netanyahu wanted to do in Gaza and Trump is attempting to salvage. Population replacement has been recognized at least since Machivelli's The Prince as one of the few ways an imperialist can stabiize a hostile area. Another is for the dictator to live there in person. This kind of strategy means though that a war between governments escalates to a war between a government and the entire population of a targetted area.

The correlation of forces between all resistance factions in Gaza vs the entire Israeli miitary is considerably more adverse than that between all official and unofficial Ukrainian forces vs the entire Putinist military. Yet Gaza has prevailed.

Ironically this is something Russia should understand well: partisan activity played a big part in Russia's successful defense against Nazi Germany.