A significant factor in the effectiveness of Western propaganda against China lies in the psychological tendency for people to accept their circumstances more readily if they believe that the situation everywhere else is worse. Even merely considering the possibility that China might excel in a certain aspect opens the door to questioning the superiority of the Western system.
Heretical_i •
Yogthos •
Heretical_i •
Yogthos •
You've convinced yourself that China is just as bad as the west, and this helps you cope. It's kind of sad really.
Heretical_i •
Yogthos •
yianiris •
The standard of living of all people on earth to rise to relatively healthy level (not exactly the use abuse and discard of the "west" but healthier nutrition than 90% is having, healthy living conditions, safe and healthy working conditions) we are facing with probably 200% rise in industrialization. The raw materials' and earth resources to achieve this are by far not there, they appear to be there because only 20% is enjoying the results of current industrialization, the rest work to produce them.
Who decides whether the improvement of std.living (material conditions) is secondary to man's exploration of space for the specific reason of bringing materials from space to earth? It is a metaphysical dream or poet's dreams that such thing may happen.
An authoritarian idealist/religious dreamer will enforce sacrifices on others (not the ruling elite) to make the ideal reality. So not only non-communist thinking but I'd say anti-communist thinking.
The current economical system, even this of China and Russia is based on an artificial bubble of global virtual banking. Governments place the public into deep long term debt, borrowing from the future, to subsidize economic elites today. This debt has reached and passed sustainability, sp they are borrowing from a planet that is lifeless and a desert. If this debt as current "value" can't be repaid then this wealth is driving extinction, and every day faster and faster, nearer and nearer.
Social, environmental, psychological conditions of the population are part of "material conditions", it is not just food and shelter. I'd say we have reached an all time low, where we are in the verge of either driving an earth destroying global war of west and the rest of the world, or an instant melt-down of the economic bubble system. Either are a massive population reduction option.
The only people who successfully left capitalism and are doing well are the zapatista communities who have enjoyed true communism/communalism for the past 31 years, despite of the war the Mexican and US government have been engaged in against them.
The fact that vanguard marxist/leninists refuse to deal, explain, acknowledge this fact is because it is very much against Marxist elites, not all Marxists, and especially not all dialectical materialists.
The only thing we can all agree on is this hymn
@Yogthos @Heretical_i
Heretical_i •
The technocrats decide, no matter the sociopolitical system. We DO NOT NEED TO 'mine asteroids'. We need FOOD SHELTER etc.
Your politicians ALL BE LIKE Arms race peace race space race "At the same time, our people grumbled for more nylons and washing machines"
https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5cf9882c-b08f-411b-8539-5b559a9b7469 Fuck COMPETITION
🇵🇸Popolon🐷 ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉 •
If today batteries are unacceptably heavy for using large number of huge cars for transportation, it's more interesting for train and light cities cars, bus and light vehicles. Most China scooters are electrical since about 15 years now. The production of renewable electric energy is just insane in China, and will progressively, as in Europe, replace any current oil based things, with more efficiency.
In the area of batteries China that make 80% of planet ones, dirty and rare elements are gradually replaced by more clean and easily available ones.
The same way their orbital station, as most artificial satellites use plasma, where the ISS, based on old Soviet Mir station, use more heavy combustibles. Most of rockets that reach ISS are still Soyuz and Progress from soviet era too, still launched in Kazakhstan's base Baikonuur.
There are lot of cooperation between Europe and China, to make progress, even if they are both partially blocked by USA stupide stance. Chinese cars manufacturers will start to build factories in Europe, where they was closed by European and American industrials. Progress in science of both part is exchanged. In both case, there is a hard work to make cities greener. They are not like US vision of pure concrete cities without trees. Walking in China large cities is very calm with their large green parks, trees rows and reduced noise due to a large electrical vehicle part. As soon a motorbike go through a street in Paris, nobody can hear friend speaking, or birds in trees. They are gradually pushed out of the cities.
At the opposite, I believe the idea to recover a rocket as Musk do (and few Chinese now also do) is totally stupid, it's more a ad. show for "technological superiority" than a real advantage. Launching things in space is a fight between weight (of used charge and energy charge). adding the charge to get back the rocket make the rocket a lot heavier, and so less efficient. There is few chance, that the part or the rocket that come back will be used, after the damage of a fly.
CC: @yogthos@social.marxist.network
Heretical_i •
Heretical_i •
🇵🇸Popolon🐷 ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉 •
Heretical_i •
🇵🇸Popolon🐷 ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉 •
Mountaintops have windturbine instead, as in most Portugal's mountaintops.
As said previously too, main flood of rivers are in south of central China, and it's long time problem. Building lot of dams, reduced floods a lot in this area, and provide huge electric power.
Sadly whole planet in general have more and more floods in moutains valley, but that's not related to any kind of solar panels at all.
Heretical_i •
- YouTube
www.youtube.comHeretical_i •
Heretical_i •
China has the last vestiges of the industrial revolution because it makes and sells consumer products to consumer societies whose economies will collapse in short order and take IT'S economy with them. End of oil coming soon and NO VIABLE ALTERNATIVE that doesnt destroy the planet too, in any foreseeable future. They'll REALLY REALLY WISH they never diverged from Mao's worldview.
Yogthos •
I was very happy living in USSR without consumerism, but sadly many people were not and that system got overturned because people wanted to have shiny things westerners had.
China would've followed the same path as USSR had it not made compromises.
Heretical_i •
Yogthos •
Heretical_i •
🇵🇸Popolon🐷 ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉 •
CC: @yogthos@social.marxist.network
Heretical_i •
Heretical_i •
Really Spooky Branzino ☭ •
Heretical_i •
🇵🇸Popolon🐷 ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉 •
CC: @Nimbius666@comp.lain.la @yogthos@social.marxist.network
Heretical_i •
See https://archive.org/details/the-prisoner All episodes. There are quite a few detailed analyses of it in the intertubz wild.
The Prisoner : Patrick McGoohan : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Internet ArchiveYogthos •
Heretical_i •
Yogthos •
Heretical_i •
Yogthos •
Heretical_i •
You were saying?
Yogthos •
Heretical_i •
In Roszak's Making of a counterculture. Too busy to get the pullquote atm.
Yogthos •
Heretical_i •
Ps. "Borders" are the problem, b/c in today's world theyre literally artificial creations. It's ez 2C what happens when they 'undo'. EX-Yugoslavia/EthnicCleansing as people return to land that was birthright and other people have been placed there by economic and other socially engineeed factors.
Yogthos •
Anarchists dedicate their whole lives to finding ways to cope within the horrific capitalist system, but continue to fight with people who suggest meaningful ways of achieving systemic change.
Using purity tests to attack existing socialist projects is one prominent example of that.
Yogthos •
Heretical_i •
Yogthos •
China’s issuance of US dollar bonds to bolster ties with Saudi Arabia
Kandy Wong (South China Morning Post)Heretical_i •
Speaking of slaves, when WILL Chinese companies be held accountable, like american companies should be, for offshoring their shitwork for the west to sweatshops in other nations @yogthos ?
Yogthos •
Heretical_i hat dies geteilt
Heretical_i •
Heretical_i hat dies geteilt
Yogthos •
Heretical_i •
So what do YOU do besides code and pontificate about geopolitics @yogthos ?
Yogthos •
Meanwhile, I'm not the one sealioning into your threads to pontificate.
Heretical_i •
Heretical_i •
Ho Chi Minh with East German sailors in 1957, Stralsund Harbor Germany.
Yogthos •
What I'm saying is that solidarity with existing socialist states is also important. Even if they don't pass your purity tests. Whatever you may think of China, it provides direct support for socialist projects around the globe. China is the primary reason Latin America is currently shaking off US influence.
Yogthos •
Heretical_i hat dies geteilt
Heretical_i •
An example just came to me from my FB feed. Welcome to the first Brit Rainbow Gathering 😎 https://www.newscientist.com/article/2461558-stonehenge-may-have-been-built-to-unify-people-of-ancient-britain/
Stonehenge may have been built to unify people of ancient Britain
Michael Marshall (New Scientist)Yogthos •
Unfortunately, it turns out that people will accept incredible amounts of abuse before deciding that their conditions are unacceptable.
Heretical_i •
I'm with them😎
Yogthos •
The only thing I find notable about BRICS is that it's not ideologically driven. If BRICS can succeed then there may be potential for different types of civilizations to emerge going forward.
🇵🇸Popolon🐷 ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉 •
CC: @yogthos@social.marxist.network
Heretical_i •