Cigarettes & Pot are prominently mentioned, but in this whole article, NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION OF Alcohol.
Right now 31% of 18-20 year olds are "schwilly"... Declines later but... No mention... At all.
Did I mention the Alcohol Industry is a HUGE spender on ads in the media? That Hunter S. Thompson pointed out decades ago that the whole INDUSTRY is a nest of braindead alkies? So is CONgress.
Teen drug use hits record low, reasons remain unclear #warondrugs #alcoholism
Right now 31% of 18-20 year olds are "schwilly"... Declines later but... No mention... At all.
Did I mention the Alcohol Industry is a HUGE spender on ads in the media? That Hunter S. Thompson pointed out decades ago that the whole INDUSTRY is a nest of braindead alkies? So is CONgress.
Teen drug use hits record low, reasons remain unclear #warondrugs #alcoholism
yianiris •