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#LuigiMangione. B⃫e⃫ ... Make the change you want to see in the world 😎

They're trying to add terrorism charges so they can prosecute for the death penalty. Oddly they don't do that for any old murder charge, and unlike LASD terrorizer Dorner, #luigimangione never actually committed any terrorist act like stalking, COIN-ops terrorizing friends or family of #BrianThompson, et al, and his lawyer, who says mangione's legal fees are already paid for, IS going to fight them back 😎

Heretical_i hat dies geteilt

A lawyer could argue mangione did nothing of the sort, but a desperate junkie holding a screwdriver to your gut as he went thru your pockets before sticking you because you had no money certainly is terrorizing. I suspect they'll drop it eventually because it would make it even harder to seat a jury that would convict, IF they can seat a jury at all. They like piling on charges to 'plea bargain' with.
If they REALLY selected a 'jury of peers' no one would ever be convicted. The word is defined so loosely as to mean Human=Peer. All white juries still convict blackfolks in the US.
Traditionally when photos aren't allowed, which is almost always in every US courtroom, by anyone other than PERHAPS a news pool photog, there are artists renditions. Here's one from the Chicago Non-Conspiracy trial featuring BPP President Bobby Seale.

Someone DID manage to covertly get a photo. They could have ended up jailed for doing this