A #college sheepskin is a LOTTERY TICKET that POTENTIALLY allows one to have the connections and network that MAY get one a place in the upper middle class of the #USeconomy. The odds of that happening have DECREASED DRAMATICALLY over the last decade...
"23% of job-seeking Harvard MBAs who graduated last spring were still looking for work three months after leaving campus."
"MBA grads are struggling to find work"
https://unusualwhales.com/news/mba-grads-are-struggling-to-find-work #education #studentloans
"23% of job-seeking Harvard MBAs who graduated last spring were still looking for work three months after leaving campus."
"MBA grads are struggling to find work"
https://unusualwhales.com/news/mba-grads-are-struggling-to-find-work #education #studentloans
MBA grads are struggling to find work,
Even Ivy League MBA Graduates Struggle to Find Jobs India has long faced challenges in skill development, but the issue is now global.Unusual Whales