"Any hope of Syria maintaining a semblance of sovereignty is crumbling before our eyes." -Johnathan Cook
#Israel, Not the ‘Liberators,’ (#HTS #ISIS #AlQaeda) Will Decide #Syria’s Fate
https://consortiumnews.com/2024/12/21/israel-not-the-liberators-will-decide-syrias-fate/ @syria
#Israel, Not the ‘Liberators,’ (#HTS #ISIS #AlQaeda) Will Decide #Syria’s Fate
https://consortiumnews.com/2024/12/21/israel-not-the-liberators-will-decide-syrias-fate/ @syria
Israel, Not the 'Liberators,' Will Decide Syria’s Fate
Syria’s future under al-Qaeda spin-off HTS will come in two flavours only, writes Jonathan Cook. Either submit and collude like the West Bank, or end up wrecked like Gaza. By Jonathan Cook Jonathan-Cook.Consortium News