Meanwhile, the US and UK, who funded these headchopping SCUMBAGS are "Considering" removing HTS from the terror org list even as the US bombs the non-compliant factions. They were NEVER ANYTHING but a shill; an excuse, to attempt #destabilization of the region.
"Extremist groups carry out revenge, sectarian killings in #HTS-controlled #Syria"
'Dozens of summary executions reported across the country since former #AlQaeda/ #ISIS leaders took control of #Damascus" @syria
"Extremist groups carry out revenge, sectarian killings in #HTS-controlled #Syria"
'Dozens of summary executions reported across the country since former #AlQaeda/ #ISIS leaders took control of #Damascus" @syria
Extremist groups carry out revenge, sectarian killings in HTS-controlled Syria
Dozens of summary executions have been reported across the country since former Al-Qaeda and ISIS leaders took control of