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📣 Sufficiency as a Strategy of the Enough
👉 Public talk in Munich 👈

This upcoming Monday, 19:00, I will be giving a public talk and discuss with the audience on "Sufficiency and Ecological Democracy: Living Within the Planetary Boundaries" (in German).

Participation is free but you're kindly asked to register.


On the website of oekom e.V., an announcement of the talk: "Vortrag Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lucht: "Suffizienz und ökologische Demokratie: Innerhalb der planetaren Grenzen leben". 27 Januar 2025, 19:00 bis 20:30. Kostenlos.
On the website of Münchener Forum Nachhaltigkeit, an announcement of the talk: "Vortrag Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lucht: "Suffizienz als 'Strategie des Genug'.  27 Januar 2025, 19:00 bis 20:30."