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Deleting all my tweets. I'm a bit sad to see 17 years of my ephemeral brain farts disappear. I'd pretty much stopped using xitter anyway. And I can't in any conscience remain on a platform owned by a man so revolting. (The last straw was him calling for my MP to be jailed.)
I have a horrible feeling we are going to be hearing more and more from him for a year or two.
Very glad not to be feeding his wallet or his ego, though.
Musk's wealth was given to him. It can be taken away.

Get rid of his tax subsidies. Don't get Starlink or a Tesla. Reduce consumption of fossil fuels from his investors. Vote for better people. Don't buy his stock.

starlink is neat tech tho
Neat tech that is being used by Putin on his westward march into Europe...

Musk owes no allegiance to any nation.

He can sell his tech to both sides of a world war.




Every dime spent on a Musk product funds fossil fuel fascism


Musk wants to pick who wins wars

If France, Germany, & the UK want to remain democracies, Musk is a "sell-to-anybody" arms dealer
i actually dont really care about any of these things
You & yours will care when:
1. The biosphere collapses like Sudan & Ethiopia
2. You or your kids get sent into war like Russians & North Korean cannon fodder
3. Your friends flee insurgency & dictatorships like Syria
4. Your pension vanishes into the insatiable maw of a hedge fund manager like Griffin, Schwarzman, or Chris Hohn
5. Your retirement savings are given to UnitedHealth if you get cancer or need surgery
6. Your parents are "encouraged" to die to "save the economy"


7. Saudi Arabia will "AI your job" & you're laid off
8. China destabilizes financial markets & converts real gold into faerie gold cryptocurrency
9. Home mortgage becomes unaffordable because the Fed decided to "fight inflation" with interest rate hikes instead of price controls on greedy CEO's
10. Your grandkids get indoctrinated by #KochNetwork in school
11. Your home is flattened for the 3rd time by a hurricane like Florida & the Carolinas & your property insurance refuses to pay