About the Periodization of the History of the USSR
… touching on the question of the periodization of the history of the CPSU and the USSR, we should talk about two stages. The first stage, under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, during which the political and theoretical superstructure was organized and filled with such content (due to the genius and education of the leaders, the growing education of specialists and consciousness of the masses, and an uncompromising struggle against anti-communist views) that ensured a dynamic ascent of the Soviet basis and the entire society, moving away from the system that collapsed during World War I to the country that actually won World War II and the United States and Britain, especially Germany, whom Russia lost World War I, and Japan and Finland were defeated twice by the USSR, both in the clashes of 1939 and 1945… Until 1953, the basis of the first phase of communism successfully took root in many countries liberated from fascism.#soviet #russian #Russia #Lenin #Stalin
But now few dispute that after 1953 there came a second phase, when the basis in the USSR, especially in large industry and state farms, outwardly, until 1983, still remained within the limits of the USSR constitution, but at the head of the CPSU and in the superstructural institutions, i.e. In the USSR Academy of Sciences, Lenin Academy of Sciences, “Znanie” society, “Communist” magazine there were fewer and fewer people with a good command of dialectical-materialist methodology, so everything communist in the country went to zero after Andropov introduced the self-accounting reform.