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Trying to imagine what it must be like to be a Labour MP - 14 years out of power and within less than a year of being back you've:

- shat all over disabled people and people with mental health issues that they can't get any help or support for
- shat all over pensioners
- shat all over civil servants and the NHS
- used the violent rhetoric of far-right extremists against asylum seekers and other minorities

Thankfully I didn't have to vote for this complete fucking shite.

#UKPol #UKPolitics
There is a gaping hole in British politics for a party that represents basic human dignity. The Tories and Labour have both vacated that space. Someone with some true integrity and decency please fill it. Fast.
Another one for you

- Shat all over trans kids denying them access to treatment that works until they're old enough to emigrate to a country that won't throw them under a bus
Maybe they were hoping that with the Tories going further right they'd be able to hermit crab their way into the Tory's old spot and capture that elusive moderate conservative vote. Didn't work, only followed the Tories into hell and betrayed the working class voters. If nothing else though, there's a huge opportunity for even a milquetoast centrist socialist party to pick off those disinterested in kicking people those at the bottom and those being kicked at the bottom.