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TIL Microsoft released the AI chatbot Tay (short for "Thinking About You"), designed to mimic a 19-year-old American, on March 23, 2016. It became a PR disaster when it learned offensive language from trolls, causing Microsoft to shut it down after just 16 hours and sparking debates on AI ethics.

#til #todayilearned

they let it "learn" from interacting with the general online public. There were only so many ways that could go and few of them were good.
Meme with a screenshot from Jurassic Park of Dr Ian Malcolm (quaffed hair, sunglasses indoors, leather jacket, his whole vibe screams "has affairs with students"). The text reads "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not you could... they didn't stop to think if they should."
Leave it to ms to come up with such a creepy name for an AI. It'd make a good name for a sci-fi horror movie about one though.