TIL it is illegal to dress up as a priest or a nun (including on Halloween) in the state of Alabama
#til #todayilearned
#til #todayilearned
There are Halloween costumes that are actually illegal in Alabama
You’ll see tons of Barbies and Kens tonight. Perhaps some Taylor Swifts and Travis Kelces. And, of course, you will have all your normal witches, vampires, ghosts and goblins.Leada Gore | lgore@al.com (al)
Patty Kimura •
Glen Turner •
Sean •
I borrowed a priest's shirt and collar from one of my professors. Glad I have never been in Alabama. It was fun to be confused as a real priest by the cops that busted up the party due to noise complaints.
Cop: "father, you really should know better"
Me: "I know son, just letting loose for an evening"