The “brave new #media world” - a “Socratic #dialogue” between two #philosophy bloggers
However, the aim here is not, as with the “Socratic method”, to convince the interlocutor but the readership. Let's see if we succeed. But first of all, my “five questions” to Max (M:), to which he then responds. And then “five questions” from Max, which I (D:) will then try to answer. I have also highlighted Max's (M:) comments in color.
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However, the aim here is not, as with the “Socratic method”, to convince the interlocutor but the readership. Let's see if we succeed. But first of all, my “five questions” to Max (M:), to which he then responds. And then “five questions” from Max, which I (D:) will then try to answer. I have also highlighted Max's (M:) comments in color.
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Die „Schöne, Neue Medien-Welt“ - ein „sokratischer Dialog"
Ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Philosophiebloge „denkatorium“ und „philosophies“ zu der „Schöne, Neue Medien-Welt“ und ihre AuswirkungenPhilo Sophies (philosophies - Philosophieblog & Wissenschaftsblog)