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I spotted my first Pacific wren (ever!) hopping around the outskirts of the river inlet yesterday. Such a handsome little secretary, hopping all over the twiggy typewriter keys of the marshlet detritus. #Wrensday
Photo of a mass of sandy brown sticks and sere reeds and rushes at the foot of a ragged, shadowy stump. Perched, round as a little walnut, under a single bullrush that bends over em like a tent, is a tiny brown wren with a warmly dappled breast and a tail that barely peeks up like a rough fan behind em (eir tail is very short for a wren's). The little wren--a Pacific wren--is leaning slightly forward over two tiny pink feet (with even tinier, mealworm-y toes) and looking off to our right, showing off a little white eyebrow and a thin, decurved bill. The cold winter sun is shining brightly all around em.