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#Spotted on a Rainy Market Day in Aotearoa #NewZealand

A serious looking woman (40s?) asks a florist: "Do you have any flowers that say 'you shit me, but I love you anyway?"
The florist pauses, looks thoughtful, then nods decisively. "Yeah. I think I can manage that."

A tiny human (2?) is toddling next to his mum when he sees some celery tops poking out of someone's bag. Suddenly he's on a mission. Celery tops are the thing he wants to touch THE MOST in the whole world. Mum's saying no, but this is celery. This is IMPORTANT.

A small human (5?) in a batman costume has been caught with his family in the rain. Mum, Dad and Sister are looking very put out, but small human is beaming, arms outstretched. He is Batman! Rain is no obstacle! Batman is impervious to weather!

A man (80s?) with an epic soup strainer moustache is talking to a friend at a coffee cart: "You ever feel the need to create mayhem, mate?"
His friend (60s?) shrugs. "Sometimes. Depends."
Mayhem Man grins. "That's how I feel now." He stirs four sugars into his cappuccino.

Two women (30s?) are stealing a smooch behind a bakery truck. It's pouring with rain but they're snuggled together under an umbrella. Bags of vegetables at their feet getting wet but they don't care. A tiny perfect moment.

Any typos spotted in this post are rather bedraggled after getting gasping for a cup of tea. If spotted please give them some flowers to admire, preferably arranged by the most unflappable florist in the universe.
Also, the typos would like to give a very elaborate bow of thanks to the wonderful people who've kindly supported them on Patreon and Buy Me A Coffee. (You guys are amazing.)

If you're one of the lovely people who've recently followed and you'd like to support future writing shenanigans, here are the links:

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And if reading a comic-fantasy whodunnit featuring a pirate detective floats your boat:
