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#Spotted While Roaming in Aotearoa #NewZealand

At a cafe counter, a small human (3?) is doing a silent but VERY enthusiastic interpretive dance to draw attention to the cake display. Arms are flailing, fingers pointing, body squirming, expression determined as she looks at Mum. CAAAKE!

A man (80s?) in a flat cap and a blue corduroy jacket spots another man (70s?) walking towards him in the street and calls out: "Well, hello young man! You look like a hoodlum as usual." Only to get a: "Hello you old codger. Nice to see you're not dead yet!" Guffaws ensue.

At the beach, a woman (20s?) in an orange bikini is flopped in a noodly fashion over a big round rock, sunning herself. Meanwhile a group of small humans are investigating the nearby rockpools for important scientific discoveries. Calling out their finds.

Two small humans (4 & 5?) are inspecting a display of water lilies for sale. A sign next to the lily pond says: "No touching the fish!" Both small humans are hovering their hands over the water, fingers twitching. The temptation is excruciating but they're showing admirable restraint.

A man (30s?) and a small human (4?) are playing soccer in a park. Small human's running with the ball! He's holding the ball! Dad's telling him it's a foul! Small human's rolling on the ground! An injury to the pride! Surely this will be a penalty for Dad's team!

Any typos spotted in this post REALLY want to touch the fish. If spotted, please give them cake. Cake solves everything.
meanwhile, overheard while cycling past a small park in London:
A child (10ish?) adopts an exasperated "how are you not understanding my perfectly logical and reasonable explanation" tone and loudly declares to their grown-up, "Because there were frogs!"
It's unclear what shenanigans the adult inquisitor is trying to investigate, but they are clearly not convinced that amphibians are the answer.