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Reports out of Tartous, Syria claim the possible use of a low yield tactical nuke. The exact cause of this scale of explosion is currently unknown. A more mundane explanation would be an arms depot detonating, either way this is an exceptionally large strike and indicates ongoing significant involvement of the IOF in Syria.

#Syria #Israel #NuclearWeapons #Tartous
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Just a week ago the anti-Assad resistance captured this city and promised not to assault Russian military positions there. In the meantime Russia has reported they do not plan to fully withdraw from Syria.

Imo it seems likely Israel will not directly confront Russia but may stage large strikes such as this to deter Russia (and all other players) from confronting the Israel aligned elements of the anti-Assad resistance in the area.

If Russia wants to fight Israel, maybe do the fighting inside Israel itself and cut IOF supply lines to spare Syria more fighting? Go for the deep strike? It's about time those responsible for one of Earth's worst wars got to see it for themselves.

Every Russian weapon dropped on the IOF is one less that can be dropped on Ukraine if nothing else.

This reminds me of a post where someone pissed off at the latest IOF outrage fired up a war video game, playing as the Soviet Union against Israel. Israel got clobbered...
If that was a nuke the flash of the explosion would last for multiple seconds.

The energy released by a 5KT nuke and 5,000 tons of TNT in an arms depot blowing up are exactly the same. I don't know how long the flash lasts from such a big TNT blast, but I don't recall reports of the flash blinding people at the 1947 Texas City ammonium nitrate ship blast, the WWI explosion of a munitions ship in Halifax, or the detonation of the Japanese battleship Yamato's magazines late in WWII. Also there was a hit on some kind of ammo dump early in (was it the first?) Iraq War that went up with enough of a mushroom cloud that a British pilot reported the US had just fired a nuclear weapon.

All of these were man-made non-nuclear explosions of nuclear size yield.

A nuke going off in a populated area by comparison is almost guaranteed to generate flash blindness. First thing you see is a flash brighter than the Sun, lasting SEVERAL seconds.

Attached is a US Military video of a very small nuclear test, Operation Upshot-Grable. This was a nuclear artillery shell fired from a 280mm (11.1 inch) cannon with a yield of 15 KT, slightly smaller than Hiroshima. Very, very intense flash.
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Low yield tactical nuke means less than 100 kT. Israel is believed to have an arsenal of these. This would be an alternative weapon to things like the US MOAB which serves a similar role.

What you're referring to are strategic nukes, which are big enough to flatten cities.

The US made a tiny nuke, the Davy Crocket, which was nearly man portable and fired out of essential a mortar.

All of these would have much less of the long flash you describe.

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The blast shown is 15KT, Hiroshima was 18KT. Did you mean the IOF had sub-200 TON (0.2KT) devices? From what I've heard even the US got a lot of fizzles when testing under 5KT.

Another Operation Upshot blast (the 2nd) which was a fizzle had a yield of 250 tons and the flash was momentary in that video. It also left the bottom 3ed of the tower it was suspended from standing, and the fireball too was very short-lived.

In the video you have we don't have the start of the explosion so we cannot judge the flash. Radiation will be detectable if this was a nuke og course