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Today South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has declared emergency martial law due to "anti-State" actors.

Who are the "anti-State"?

So far his order makes it clear, its any political party not aligned with President Yoon. He's closed down their National Assembly and wants direct control of all political media.

This appears to be a coup, not a legit emergency.

#SouthKorea #YoonSukYeol #MartialLaw #Dictator #Coup #Seoul #KimKeonHee
Wannabe dictator of South Korea, President Yoon Suk Yeol

Military helicopters seen flying over Seoul
In order to protect liberal democracy from the threat of overthrow of the Republic of Korea system by anti-state forces lurking in secret within the free Republic of Korea and to protect the safety of the people, the following is hereby promulgated throughout the Republic of Korea as of 23:00 on December 3, 2024.1. All political activities, including activities of the National Assembly, local councils, political parties, political associations, rallies, and demonstrations, are prohibited.2. Any actions that deny or attempt to overthrow the liberal democratic system are prohibited, and fake news, manipulation of public opinion, and false propaganda are prohibited.3. All media and publications are controlled by martial law.4. Strikes, sabotage, and assembly activities that promote social chaos are prohibited.5. All medical personnel, including residents, who are on strike or have left the medical field, must return to their regular jobs within 48 hours.Return to work faithfully and if you violate the law, you will be punished according to martial law.6. Good general citizens, excluding subversive forces such as anti-state forces, shall take measures to minimize inconvenience in their daily lives.Violators of the above proclamation will be subject to Article 9 of the Martial Law Act of the Republic of Korea (Martial Law Commander's Special Measures Rights).Arrest, detention, search and seizure may be made without a warrant, and punishment will be imposed in accordance with Artic
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
Someone remind Yoon Suk Yeolthat he's acting like it's NORTH Korea he has just become dictator of. Not only that, this sort of outrage destablizes his whole country and could force an insurgency against him.

Speaking of North Korea, surely their own dictator can read Sun Tzu, the relevent passage is "loot a burning house." Yoon Suk Yeol needs to revoke martial law and resign, or consider himself a North Korean asset. This reminds me so much of Trump's connections to Putin.

Real worst case is South Korean insurgents having to fight both regimes at once.
Update: looks like Yoon Suk Yeolthat is backing down on martial law after just six hours. Apparently the National Assembly voted to block it and it led to a big protest outside parliament too. Those are displays of power that proved martial law would not go unchallenged.

The Washington Post ran a report, but only a short summary shows with javascript disabled, no ads, and no account so not linking.

One way to keep North Korea from looting a burning house is of course to put out the fire.