For those who want the condensed version, listen to Woody Guthrie's brilliant song, Tom Joad.
Ending with "Wherever little children are hungry and cry, Wherever people ain't free. Wherever men are fightin' for their rights, That's where I'm a-gonna be, Ma. That's where I'm a-gonna be."
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Nochem ben Shlomo •
Ending with "Wherever little children are hungry and cry,
Wherever people ain't free.
Wherever men are fightin' for their rights,
That's where I'm a-gonna be, Ma.
That's where I'm a-gonna be."
Andy Linton :tinoflag: ✅ •
- YouTube
youtu.beHugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt