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I think we should be really really explicit that the President just "cancelled" a legal green card and disappeared the holder.

That is an illegal, monstrous abuse of power.

A green card can only be revoked by a judge.

He is ruling via tweet, and he will not be stopped unless YOU yell about it.

YOU will be his next victim if YOU don't throw a fit about this NOW.

If he can get away with disappearing a legal resident, US citizens will be next.

LukefromDC hat dies geteilt

Opponents of the regime, such as the disabled, the queer and trans, women, and activists. Nobody will be safe from this. He said he was going to do this regardless of citizen status and now he’s following through.

Citizen status will be stripped and with it any rights you have. This follows in the footsteps of the most authoritarian regimes we’ve seen in modern history.

It’s really bad.
In the US, when all other rights are gone, there is the Second Amendment. You stay out of a concentration camp by exercising your Second Amendment rights.

When religious extremists demand you get on their train to Auschwitz II, the only possible answer is "make my fucking day!"

Civil war is bad but another Holocaust is worse.
No, you Don't, When all yourr ightrs are gone, So will be the 2nd amendment...and you will vbe a criminal they will be fitting with a bunch of new holes...

I mean...The whole "Shall not be Infringed" part...yeah...is bullshit...as it has been infringed upon...a lot...and mostly by the gun morons themselves...

and you are ok with those infringements becuas they dont impact you....yet....

you are just a a water based mamal that rolled a nat 20...

a hippo crit
there are already 2 new holocausts taking place, do you care about thosE?
fuck yourself and your guns
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Tage her)
If we get mass roundups and death camps (a real risk wirh what Trump and Musk are doing), do you propose to attempt to stop them wirh civil disobedience (meaning you get takr first) or not at all?
The defence against tyrannical government justification has always been prime BS.

There are already regime stooges performing illegal acts, trampling on rights and "the Second Amendment people" (per D. Trump, 10 August 2016) are nowhere in sight.
I am NOT talking about right wing gun owners here buy the much newer left wing and LGBTQ gun owners.

Trans folks have been arming at least since the 2022 wave of hate unleashed by dobbs and gun storw owners reportee a lot of salea to "liberals" during Trump's first term.

This only speaks of small arms, in tje context of figbting a war we must consider bigger things. During rhe Iraq War someone in the US military said the IED's were the insurgent's artillery system.

The fires at Tesla dealera and those a few yeara ago at fake clinics and Tesla dealers are samples of the beginnings of oura...
You speak of the US right, I speak of things like the John Brown Gun Club that have done things like deter a police sweep of an unhoused camp in Austin, Tx
I’m in Canada and I’m thinking about getting my permit. Handguns are outlawed here but I could buy a medium range shotgun with the standard permit. Especially if the annex talk gets worse, I think we’ll need to. I know how to deal with Nazis but bringing a knife to a gun fight won’t work.

Inhaltswarnung: uspol

Inhaltswarnung: uspol

Inhaltswarnung: uspol

this is the new regime's first deliberate disappearance of someone with US residency rights. If this doesn't get stopped - there will be more. Picking on someone. For leading pro Palestinian processes was (probably unintentionally) a strategic move here anyone who denounces this can be portrayed as antisemitic, rather than anti-state-sanctioned-disappearences

How long has it been in power? Seven weeks? Only going to get worse,

Now will be a good time for anyone in the Democratic party who does not actually approve of these actions to do something about it. Any plan to "wait until the midterms" fails to recognise what kind of regime they now live under.
They tried for a second person at Columbia University but were (possibly physically) prevented from entering the building.
And yet I'm seeing less and less about the coup on my timeline. People are seemingly going back to things as they were. How much outrage will this new order generate in 3 or 6 months. Are we really going to just roll over for it? 😞
Just as likely all of this blows up. Trump is making war on the social groups he likes the least, and war has two sides...
That's not the trend I'm seeing. Hopefully it's because all the information has been shared and people are too busy acting to post.