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I plan to attend the #StandUpForScience rally at Boston Common tomorrow at noon. I printed out a "Science. It Works, Bitches" cartoon (though not the original xkcd) to tape to both sides of a piece of cardboard, and I found my T-shirt with the Ferdinand Magellan quote, "The church says the Earth is flat. But I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church." Medieval "Science. It works, bitches"!
Lots of good signs at #StandUpForScience Boston. These people were extremely well organized, with a portable stage and sound system. Unfortunately the sound system wasn't really ready for broadcasting to 1000 people outdoors, and the speakers never really got the memo about "swallow the microphone" even though they were told a few times, so a lot of them were inaudible to the people in the back. I got there fairly early so I was towards the front and actually heard everybody.

I did not stay for the entire 4 hours, but I was there for 2. I didn't see anybody else with "science. it works, bitches", but there was a lot of the 1000 people I never really saw. I got my picture taken by a couple of people early on before things got organized, but not with my phone so I don't have a picture of me.

The speakers mostly had good things to say, but there was a little repetition, as you might guess, because everybody pretty much has the same thing to say.

One theme was "we need to communicate to our friends in the red states that they should talk to their representatives about don't cut science, and what science does for THEM. They don't understand!"
A crowd of mostly white people wearing winter clothing with signs such as "science saves lifes [sic]" and "Bad DOGE" and "I <heart> NIH"