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The New York City #StandUpForScience was in Washington Square Park this afternoon. There were some great talks from prominent scientists (including two Nobel laureates) and attendance was pretty good.
Stand Up For Science 2025 poster featuring the Statue of Liberty

March 7, 2025
Washington, DC and nationwide


Find your local rally site and other ways to get involved:
Crowd viewed from the middle. All faces are obscured. The podium was by the arch.
King trump effigy. He is a big fat orange plush doll with a gold crown, wearing a diaper and a purple cape, holding a tiny automatic rifle. 

He has a word bubble that says "The World is FLAT" then features a heart rate monitor that has flat-lined, below which it says "(or it will be when I'm done!)"
Signs! Lots of "mad" scientists here:

Mad Scientist (arrow pointing to sign-holder)

America is great because of science

I'd rather be reviewing F31 grants for the NIH today

Now I'm a mad scientist

Let scientists do research { P.S. "transgenic" ≠ "transgender", don't let an idiotic autocratic carrot muck science! }

GOP congress supports a coup. Shame on them