After just posting a detailed and thought out analysis of the CEO assassination, let me post some quick hot takes.
I don't think the killer will be found.
Buuuuut.... it is not outside the realm of possibility for a patsy/scapegoat to be brought in and tried as the killer.
That aside, I'm wondering if there will be a claim to the attack or published manifesto, if there will be other killings by this same person/group, and if there will be inspired/copycat killings by other persons/groups.
This is my current profession (edit: on the defensive side... not the contract killing side), education, and experience. It is also key to the political climate we're in right now.
So I am actively invested in the outcome of this.
#NYC #CEO #United #UnitedHealth #UnitedHealthcare #assassination #killing #murder
I don't think the killer will be found.
Buuuuut.... it is not outside the realm of possibility for a patsy/scapegoat to be brought in and tried as the killer.
That aside, I'm wondering if there will be a claim to the attack or published manifesto, if there will be other killings by this same person/group, and if there will be inspired/copycat killings by other persons/groups.
This is my current profession (edit: on the defensive side... not the contract killing side), education, and experience. It is also key to the political climate we're in right now.
So I am actively invested in the outcome of this.
#NYC #CEO #United #UnitedHealth #UnitedHealthcare #assassination #killing #murder
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MissConstrue •
I think UHC denied care, like they always do, and someone's Person died.
When you see CEOs being awarded millions in bonuses for killing Americans and defrauding the US government, and that company just killed your mom or your wife or your granny...I can see how that person might find the CEO an appropriate target.
But ya know, as the GOP says, thoughts and prayers or whatever. I feel kinda bad that I don't feel bad, but I don't feel anything about this dude being shot, other than pointing out that Gilbert and Sullivan once wrote: "I have a little list, and none of them will be missed."
LukefromDC •
Heretical_i •
unusual_whales (