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Are you advising software projects that accept LLM-generated code? Please participate in our survey on guidelines the use of #LLMs and help our #licensing team learn more about existing practices. We value any input: https://my.fsf.org/llm-contributions
I like to know whether linux can still be branded free software by banning participation from people of specific ethnicity/nationality/geography?

Free to drink beer but not free to brewing it if you are a "xxyyzz" person?

1st they came for the Jews, then they came for the commies, then they came for the gypsies, but I was still drinking FREE beer.

#Foss #Russia #Linux #BSD #Gnu
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
your argument falls entirely flat when you use a slur for Romani people when trying to advocate for people from other countries. 🤡
you are attributing a near century old saying of a very famous person as lack of Political Correctness on my saying it?

Do your research, Romani people were among the top targeted groups of the anti-communist nazi brigades. I just replaced the end of the famous saying with free beer to relate it to linux

@chirpbirb @fsf
They still have free access to the source and still can make local changes to the code if they want.

So they still can brew their own beer and change the recipe in any way they like.

What they are limited to do is submitting those changes upstream

The point is that when they weren't banned we could count on them being whistleblowers for their opponents back-door infusions on the code, and I don't know about you I can still remember speck.

Now we can not be sure how poisoned the beer is.

Freedom was getting rusty in recent times, now it is getting outright scary!

@DarkMetatron @fsf
those banned russian maintainers can still use linux the way free is meant in foss. Yes, Linux is still free.
That is exactly free as in beer

The NATO-axis world produces and you can drink freely, if you are not "of that other kind"!

This state controlled and mandated freedom is worse than 30s Germany, it didn't even have to be discussed in parliament/senate/house, it was the Furer that decided alone.

I am neither Russian nor a fan of Putin, and I am certainly not a neo-nazi Fin proud NATO supporter with a 7 digit salary almost entirely from US corporations.


@rdfhrn @fsf
no. That's free as in freedom. Everyone can use it, modyfing it as they like and share it. But they are not allowed to do that in any project. It's the way as you can move freely in a city but not within my house.

So you are saying that producers of Open and Free can be racists (excluding a social group based on that identity and not personal characteristics and abilities) and that your house is private property but it is published as being Open and Free and be considered as such even though you have a Swastika or a KKK flag outside of it.

@rdfhrn @fsf

To exclude a developer because they specifically tried (and effectively did in the case of XZ/debian/RH openssh-systemd) is understandable. To bar developers based on citizenship or ethnic origin can not be OK.
Imagine turning the clock back to Apartheid Africa and having a project saying it is FOSS but blacks are not allowed to participate.

@rdfhrn @fsf

and F*** #mastodon #500characterlimit
You are precisely making the distinction between free and open in consumption but non-free and non-open in production. A very authoritarian model that violates the true principles of what open and free really is. Only a state capitalist would see it this way.

Free and Open is meant both in production and consumption, not limited by race and ethnicity as privileged. What you are specifically prescribing is free as in beer NOT FREE as in FREEDOM (and equality which is within it)

@rdfhrn @fsf
No. I mean free as in freedom. Full stop. Freedom has only one limit, the freedom of others. State capitalist 🤡 😂 @fsf