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#Syria Is Open For BUSINESS... Western Biz!

Lede image says it all: "Syrian FM Asaad Hassan al-Shibani, a founder of #AlQaeda in Syria, held a dialogue with Iraq war architect, former UK prime minister Tony Blair at the #WEF in #Davos

“... we have a lot of sectors – industry, tourism ... of course, the economy in the future will be open and will open the road for foreign investment,"

Note that the local library in a California ProgLib bastion required a VPN to view 🤣 https://thecradle.co/articles-id/28582
Do Cali pub.libraries have cameras in the public areas? Are readers biometrically identified and recorded in what they are reading? Tell me you need a lib.card/id just to enter a library!


#Orwellian #State

Cams are needed. A LOT of bad acting out behavior.

Ps. Seen on the reference reshelf rack today
Book Librarian's Guide to Homelessness

yianiris hat dies geteilt

I don't understand a Yes to cameras and No to biometric IDentification.

MVA/DMV ids have utilized the biometric system and digital photography for decades (early 2000s), never mind passports. So if you are on camera you are identified and so is anything you are holding, reading, copying, downloading.

It is like someone using vpn/tor to shop on Amazon and have stuff shipped at home :)

You said and I answered in order...

Do Cali pub.libraries have cameras in the public areas? YES

Are readers biometrically identified and recorded in what they are reading? NO

Tell me you need a lib.card/id just to enter a library! NO
Yes I got it. What I was saying is that say I walk to the entrace of the ministry ... of silly walks. A camera picks up my face, runs an algorithm and gets a match, I check as no interest so no worries. I fail the id they stop me and ask for ID, because nearly everyone is now identified by bio-m.

At airports it starts at parking lots and overpasses and tolls of hwys leading to airports.
You get personalized service if you fail to identify.

Libraries don't get funding for biometric shit. They're lucky to remain open
Libraries don't, but content is networked and don't tell me there is something that prohibits large agencies for getting access to the footage.

Libraries can't even enforce getting their own books back, from borrowers or even other libraries.

I think I know what you'll say next, they don't need library footage, they pick everything up from peoples google phones.
