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"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Monday that over 3,000 #NorthKorea-n soldiers have been killed or wounded fighting against #Ukraine..." ... and the US Satrap #SouthKorea 'govenment' 'verifies' it with absolutely zero proof presented. Not ONE SINGLE IMAGE of a Korean, no less a wounded or dead one. This is complete bullshit.

Over 3,000 N. Korean soldiers killed, wounded in #Kursk: #Zelensky - The (South) Korea Times

yianiris hat dies geteilt

Are those thugs that retarded to think they will win a war by spreading lies? No, they are not. They must spread enough lies as to maintain support for their pro-Ukraine budget that feeds the fat cats supporting D and R politicians.

The defense industry sustainability is a war sponsoring US government taxing the poor to feed the rich.

#WelfareState #Reversed #US capitalism going rogue
