"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Monday that over 3,000 #NorthKorea-n soldiers have been killed or wounded fighting against #Ukraine..." ... and the US Satrap #SouthKorea 'govenment' 'verifies' it with absolutely zero proof presented. Not ONE SINGLE IMAGE of a Korean, no less a wounded or dead one. This is complete bullshit.
Over 3,000 N. Korean soldiers killed, wounded in #Kursk: #Zelensky - The (South) Korea Times
Over 3,000 N. Korean soldiers killed, wounded in #Kursk: #Zelensky - The (South) Korea Times
Over 3,000 N. Korean soldiers killed, wounded in Kursk: Zelenskyy
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Monday that over 3,000 North Korean soldiers have been killed or wounded fighting against Ukraine's incursion in Russia's Kursk region.The Korea Times
yianiris hat dies geteilt
yianiris •
The defense industry sustainability is a war sponsoring US government taxing the poor to feed the rich.
#WelfareState #Reversed #US capitalism going rogue