When you request a copy of your data on #Instagram, you can choose for #JSON - a format that "allows you to easily import your data into another site".
Almost sounds like you're not locked-in when leaving for #GlobalSwitchDay. But presumably it's not that easy?
Almost sounds like you're not locked-in when leaving for #GlobalSwitchDay. But presumably it's not that easy?
Enric :estelada: :paisoscat: •
Luc :bc: :bc: :bc: :bc: :bc: •
Fedi.Tips •
A lot of Pixelfed servers have had to temporarily switch off Instagram imports due to being overwhelmed with new members, as the importing takes a lot of server resources.
If it is switched on for your Pixelfed server, you have to use the JSON format file if you want to import from Instagram. It will not work with the HTML file.
As far as I know it does work if your server has it switched on and as long as you're using JSON.
Luc :bc: :bc: :bc: :bc: :bc: •