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All this extreme attention to #skyfairydelusionism atm. I presume we can all therefore now look forward to a commensurate vast increase in media, political, & police activity to stop women being beaten & murdered, plus to eradicate the extant & escalating hate-fueled #transphobia.



#hypocrisy #AusPol
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I am *not* going to hold my breath.🤨
I seem to remember talking about Violence Against Women, and Counting Dead Women, back in my FB days pre-2015. We are still talking about them...10 years later, with ZILCH being done...because men control the narrative, and their Crumbmaidens do their dirty work for them.
The TERFery blew up after I moved to the dead bird.(While I think of it, #EatShitLyle)
Isn't it utterly disgusting! Oh to live in a matriarchal society, not a bloody patriarchal one.

By Lyle, do you mean the execrable Shelton? That is one ghastly bastard; i have so much contempt for him.
That's him. Total monomaniac. Over on X with his Proud Boy mates, no doubt.