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Oh dear. Brisbane is closed.
Brings back memories of 2020-21🤔 except that southern hordes were clamouring at the border, and this time they'd run away if they could.
Secret weapon? The laziest cyclone to ever travel down the coast.
Lazy means lots of rain
Lazy is dangerous!
Rainbombs mean lots of rain. Dangerous. Cat 3 and 4 cyclones rip towns apart. Also dangerous. There is not really any way even a small cyclone is not going to dump rain, because it comes in over the ocean. Alfred is a bad boy, but not vicious. Yasi was vicious. @Susan60
True! Alfred is unlikely to rip much up (the poor poor bay islands protect the city)

There are a lot of houses in Brisbane not built to modern building code 😬 so it won't take much, and Brisbane's biggest issue has always been flooding
And yet, assurances were made that houses have been built to withstand cyclonic conditions. A lot has been said over the past four days that both alarms and reassures. The barrier islands weren't meant to be lived on. Greed put thousands of people in the path of storms and cyclones. @Susan60
The newer houses are (should) be built to code. Brisbane has a lot of houses that are older than 1976 🤷‍♀️
We getting heavier rain now, and wind. Kinda what we expected last night. Radar says eye has breached the coastline near Cleveland. @Susan60