Wenn das jemand in #Munchen liest: ich suche nach jemandem, der einem Opfer häuslicher Gewalt helfen könnte, sich aus der Wohnung seines Freundes zu ziehen. Sie muss innerhalb der nächsten drei Tagen ausziehen und ihre Sachen mitnehmen.
If someone in #munich reads this, I'm looking for someone who could help a vicitm of domestic violence to move out of their boyfriend's apartment. She needs to move out within the next three days and bring her stuff with her.
#hauslichegewalt #domesticviolence
If someone in #munich reads this, I'm looking for someone who could help a vicitm of domestic violence to move out of their boyfriend's apartment. She needs to move out within the next three days and bring her stuff with her.
#hauslichegewalt #domesticviolence