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Is there an account you follow that boosts other people too much? Do you like reading their own posts, but you don't want to see their boosts?

In Mastodon you can hide an account's boosts by doing the following:

1. Go to their profile page
2. Click the ⋯ button on their profile
3. Select "Hide boosts"

You will still see their posts, it will only hide boosts. If you change your mind, go to ⋯ and select "Show boosts".

They will never know you have hidden their boosts 🙂

#FediTips #Mastodon
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Woche her)
🤯 well this is useful! Thanks!
Holy shit, *thank you*. I had no idea about this!
Hmm, I wonder if I can hide my own boosts...
What exactly do you mean?

If you're boosting a post from your home timeline, it will not add any additional copies to your home timeline.

Do you mean when other people boost your posts?
I mean when I boost a post from e.g. the "local" or "federated" timelines or from search. I use Moshidon, which also let's me see (and boost posts from) local timelines from other servers.

Any post that I boost, I have probably already seen, so showing it to me again doesn't add anything useful.
Ahh okay, makes sense!

As far as I know there's nothing to hide this in vanilla Mastodon but third party apps like Moshidon might be able to add this?
Yeah, but if we can hide boosts from specific people, the feature already exists, all that is missing is a way to add your own user id.

In theory anyway, I haven't looked at the code.
Not sure this is useful to me. I recognize there's more info out there than I can possibly review by myself. If someone I follow boosts something, I want to see it.
What!? Tip of the year.
- This is SUPER USEFUL, but I wish I had the power as admin of an instance to block boosts from certain accounts server-wide.

Some accounts post nothing but boosts, which renders our Home feed just a river of low-quality or downright stolen re-posts. I can Force-sensitive, Limit, or Suspend external accounts. Hiding their boosts across my server would be good for all my users and improve the community experience.
Was already aware, but this is the best tip ever.
That's cool. It depends on my mood and time available. I love boosts. I use boosts to find people who write posts I like.

But sometimes I want to find a person's recent posts.

Very interesting.
Wow, thank you. The only problem is that this limits visibility of accounts like yours that I encountered because they were boosted by people I trust!
You will still be able to see boosts if they are boosted by other accounts 🙂
thanks, this was useful!
I managed to hide everyone's boosts. I went to "home" and at the top there are three hashmark thingies. Click on that and you can set your feed to not show any boosts at all. That way you don't need to go to each person's profile to mute their boosts.
Yup, that's if you want to block all boosts from everyone.

The idea of individual options is if there are just specific accounts which boost too much.
I used that option because I was only getting boosts and no original posts at all. I knew that people I followed were posting, because I would track them down, but I wasn't seeing their posts, I was only seeing boosts from other people I followed.
perfect. I knew I could do the whole home stream but not individual users :lagr_elephant:
Boosting this at the risk of someone silencing my boosts 😂 (but seriously, thank you. This is really helpful)
I'd like to have an option of swiching off boosts for the entire timeline, or even better, separate timelines for posts, boosts, and both.
You can switch off all boosts on your entire Home timeline:

1. Log in on your server's website (for you that is https://sueden.social
2. Click ⚙️ in the top right corner of your home timeline
3. Toggle "show boosts" to off
I was just looking for this option yesterday because I knew it was possible but hadn't found it. Perfect timing, thanks for the tip!
Boosted! %-P
this is super helpful. Right now I am blocking all boosts from all accounts I’m following, thanks to @ivory but boosts are also helpful to find interesting new accounts to follow.