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I use #telegram
IMO it's used by
- sex bot scammers
- drug deal scammers
- actual drug dealers
- actual sex workers
- people don't want to use a telephone number as their "userID"
- People who wont use Whatsapp because they think it's spying on them
- People who can't use Signal because one of the previous points

I use it because it's got a hyperlocal feature "Show who is nearby", which I have met many non english speaking people on, who I don't think I would have ever met otherwise.
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I am familiar with the arguments about the unproven cryptographic security of Telegram

I don't think anyone outside the geek cryptographic bubble gives a monkeys about E2E. Not say that e2e is a bad thing. It's a good thing. Just people don't care about sharing stuff

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the "nearby people" thing about #telegram is completely ruined by the porn scam bots
related to the sex part of your thread https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/eleanor-saitta-designing-the-future-of-sex

Found a printed copy recently, and after skimming through, I'm going to print one off too.
oh it's by Dymaxion! I've chatted with her on twitter before (an age ago).

She's amazing and i was "OMG you noticed my tweet"

Hyperlocal data shadows! yes.. and with automated translation when you don't have a common language..
When I discovered it .. it provides an amazing insight into a completely hidden overlay on the city.

Have you read any Malka Older

https://www.goodreads.com/series/194579-centenal-cycle ?
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OK! So I'm going to read it :) yeah, the bit about "what hookup apps could look like if not big tech" was quite inspiring. No one seems to be happy with the existing platforms.

Never heard of Older or that series. Is it like possibly real sci-fi, like say Walkaway?
Well I don't know "walkaway"
But the Centenal trilogy's focus is on new micro democratic structures and dis/information in a
connected world.. so I found them quite fun
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