I use #telegram
IMO it's used by
- sex bot scammers
- drug deal scammers
- actual drug dealers
- actual sex workers
- people don't want to use a telephone number as their "userID"
- People who wont use Whatsapp because they think it's spying on them
- People who can't use Signal because one of the previous points
I use it because it's got a hyperlocal feature "Show who is nearby", which I have met many non english speaking people on, who I don't think I would have ever met otherwise.
IMO it's used by
- sex bot scammers
- drug deal scammers
- actual drug dealers
- actual sex workers
- people don't want to use a telephone number as their "userID"
- People who wont use Whatsapp because they think it's spying on them
- People who can't use Signal because one of the previous points
I use it because it's got a hyperlocal feature "Show who is nearby", which I have met many non english speaking people on, who I don't think I would have ever met otherwise.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (7 Monate her)
kat •
I don't think anyone outside the geek cryptographic bubble gives a monkeys about E2E. Not say that e2e is a bad thing. It's a good thing. Just people don't care about sharing stuff
kat •
Doug Webb •
Found a printed copy recently, and after skimming through, I'm going to print one off too.
Designing the Future of Sex
The Anarchist Librarykat •
She's amazing and i was "OMG you noticed my tweet"
Hyperlocal data shadows! yes.. and with automated translation when you don't have a common language..
When I discovered it .. it provides an amazing insight into a completely hidden overlay on the city.
Have you read any Malka Older
https://www.goodreads.com/series/194579-centenal-cycle ?
Centenal Cycle Series by Malka Ann Older
www.goodreads.comDoug Webb •
Never heard of Older or that series. Is it like possibly real sci-fi, like say Walkaway?
kat •
But the Centenal trilogy's focus is on new micro democratic structures and dis/information in a
connected world.. so I found them quite fun