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Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Bill 2024 Time Line

Sep 9 - Social media ban for children to be introduced this year, but age limit undetermined

- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-09-09/government-plans-social-media-porn-site-age-limit/104329920

Nov 7 - The government plans to ban under-16s from social media platforms. Here's what we know so far

- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-08/how-the-age-minimum-for-social-media-will-work/104571790

Nov 8 - Race to pass social media ban after National Cabinet meeting and call for lower age limit

- https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/race-to-pass-teen-social-media-ban-after-national-cabinet-meeting-and-call-for-lower-limit/pkz95nlhs

Nov 21 - Australia launches bill banning social media for under 16s

- https://www.dw.com/en/australia-launches-bill-banning-social-media-for-under-16s/a-70838309

Nov 25 - Social media age ban inquiry flooded with 15,000 submissions after Elon Musk weighs in

- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-25/social-media-age-ban-inquiry-flooded-with-submissions/104644208

Today - Ban briefly debated in House of Reps ahead of passing, no Labor govt members attend.

- https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Chamber_documents/Live_Minutes

#auspol #socialmedia
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Monate her)
No Labor members attended? Do you think they were told to stay away so nobody would be there to take questions?
No, it's in the Reps chamber so no fear of pesky questions.

Just don't seem to want them on Hansard following Albanese recieving his own special debate allotment time yesterday.

Smells of damage control.
On reflection, smells of a lot more than damage control.

Who doesn't let their own party line up to speak in favour of their own tent pole legislation?

What are Labor afraid backbenchers will utter? Truly weird behaviour.

#auspol #socialmedia