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Albanese and Dutton to combine forces and parties' votes in next sitting fortnight to attack donation funding for independents and rival parties.


I do hope they're amply rewarded next election with a huge rise in votes for Greens & Prog Indies. The scumbuckets! #AusPol
Every election Labor and Coalition votes steadily erode, so they have to go somewhere.

Big indication this time 'round will be how much and where the Duopoly preference each other - now both are actively hand-wringing about the 'independent threat' and colluding with legislation against it - which could significantly impact the size of the cross bench.

Actually, I can see a way around the legislation

Not pretty, but who cares

Say there was a crowd funding platform where people could donate to a "group" of independents like say the teals

Where the amount you donate can either be apportioned by the Donator to one or many peers, or a default apportionment could be applied if so selected.

The money would come from a lot of different individuals and be under the cap

BTW that gentleman Clive Palmer is not getting any of my $$$$$

who can forget the champion of farmering award Gina "awarded" Barnaby, conplete with $40K cheque.

Tip of the iceberg and they fucked up that time by being so overt. Cash goes under the table, not over it.
I'm voting for no consequences