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Welp. Dutton will never be PM, not without the full support of the propaganda wing which seems to have suddenly backed Albanese and Labor at the eleventh hour.

Dutton just gave a presser where he reeked of knowing it.

And Australia shifts slightly away from the clutches of the authoritarian regime it finds itself shackled to.

Lil' bit momentous. Or maybe I'm just high on codeine.

'That's an issue for my *wife*.'

Dutton stammering his way through a press conference, failing to explain his preternatural stock market precognition, undeclared property purchases ... or anything really.

That's right, Spud. Chuck the missus under the bus. #MyPeteIsNotAMonster she cries, as her bones crunch under the back wheels.
A miserable humiliated Potato is a happy Droppie. I might go celebrate by fanging some rando tourist.
Hilarious. The man is almost stuttering especially when the minutes of the meetings were asked to be released.
Nothing to hide, release the minutes.
Something to hide, duck & weave.
Dutton is ducking & weaving!
Hasn't had to face hostile press like that. Has no immune response.

Same thing happened to Morrison. Totally freeze up and fuck out. It's glorious. :awesome:
Worried the shop might soon run out of Schadenfreude supplies. Hope there's more on backorder.
Yeah, prob getting a bit ahead of ourselves. Long road to go and anything could happen, but it's definitely a campaign milestone that diminishes the Coalition/Trump threat.

News and Nine leading the charge a highly significant aspect. Confuses the fuck out of me.
Yeah - something a bit strange going on.

Long may it continue though!
More important though, ofc, than just us having our giggles here, is that the disinterested & disengaged begin actually noticing this stuff, & not just stupidly accepting all the lies & voting accordingly.