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dominoes meme but it's "medical misogyny" on one end and "soft-liberal women vote to end abortion so that they can keep their children from being transed by vaccine-induced autism" on the other
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this is a big soapbox topic for me but my argument is that the larger medical community, through systemic sexism, created the monster of the anti-vax movement and the larger "big pharma, bad"

like this isn't even a particularly big extrapolation

the literal pitch of pseudo-feminist goop-branded anti-medical wellness in the 2010s was "doctors don't listen to you, we listen to you, we believe you when you tell us something is wrong:

it's affinity fraud, basically, but affinity fraud that was enabled by an already eroded sense of trust in clinicians who ignore women's testimony of their own experiences

if there weren't a lot of women who'd been basically treated like they were delusional for talking about the pain they were in or for the fact they could tell something was wrong, only for them to finally get validation once the problem becomes an actual emergency, there wouldn't be a population ready to hear "doctors lie to you, dismiss you, ignore you---so when they say vaccines and hormones are safe, why should you believe them?"

Inhaltswarnung: comment on health misinformation

Our government (in Australia) pretty much put out the message that vaccination meant 'cure'. Masks came off, and Covid ran freely through the population.
We also have a medical 'fraternity' that continually ignores the signs of endometriosis...no doubt b/c it 'only affects women'.
#MECFS? Hypochondriacal Women. Female GPs have been conditioned to ignore women's problems, too.
Yes, we distrust doctors. It's a lucky dip looking for a GP who is dedicated to their patients' health.