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Hawaii 2.0


I'm just stunned how when anything negative pops up, he just disappears, and he disappears regularly
Nah he doesn't disappear, he puts on the Sussssan Ley suit reappears to handle the scandal. Every time.
hahaha, what? 🤣😂🤣
Every Dutton scandal, he disappears and Sussssssssan Ley pops out from nowhere. It's like clockwork.

Watch when the next one inevitably happens.
🤣😂🤣 i definitely will be looking for that 🤣😂🤣
That can't be good for his tough, copper image, continually protected by a woman.
See Sussssssssssssssssan on the screen, I'm like, 'What's done Dutton now?'
where did she just pop up?
Some presser this morning.


Spud the "strongman" can't even defend himself...he has to send a donkey to do it!

'Tis amusing. Slightest pressure and Dutton scurries off, hides and activates the Sussssssssssan protocol.

How's that gonna work in the PM chair? 'Nah, I don't wanna. Tell them I'm on the toilet.'
