In a discord I'm in a discussion is happening about politics.
Someone said the chances of the Libs having a workable senate were low.
Person responds with gambling odds. -sigh-
Australia has a gambling problem. Australians collectively are in denial about it. #GamblingHarm #AusPol
Someone said the chances of the Libs having a workable senate were low.
Person responds with gambling odds. -sigh-
Australia has a gambling problem. Australians collectively are in denial about it. #GamblingHarm #AusPol
Insurgo Formica •
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 •
What we most often have, is deals, and grudging compromise.
Insurgo Formica •
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 •
Sheepie •
Well, other than asylum seeker, military, climate, mining, & self-pay policies because we know Labor will hand-wave those through.
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 •