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Chatting with a young 'un about the social media ban - discussing how sometimes governments do really dumb shit, and you do not have to accept it. You can fight it.

Great first hand experience in democracy the kiddos are getting.

#auspol #socialmedia
Wonder if Albanese realises he's just earned the enmity of a generation of tweens for who his name is now synonymous with dickhead.

#auspol #socialmedia
Not only those coming up to vote, but many older voters as well like me - is the only contact I have with my grandkids and great grand kids. We already planning on easy workarounds.
Oh shit yeah - social interactions, children and extended family and friends, nationally and internationally.

'I've got it! We'll ban the kids from Tiktok. Focus testing is great.

'Quick, write up some legislation and we'll slam it through before Summer recess. What could go wrong?'

Jesus H Fucking Christ.
... and ... homeschool communities. Which can be very geographically distributed.

We'll get all the Kidz on business tools. Not social media, it's a board meeting go away.
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