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We have another Well Done Angus moment. RBA lowers the cash rate by 0.25% to 4.10%. However, he thinks they increased it.

"Australian families have done the hard work here & they deserve this interest rate increase because they're the ones that have done the work." #auspol
can you imagine this idiot as treasurer with his hand on the government credit card??
This dullard doesn't think.

He's never demonstrated a great capacity for original thought.

He's memorised Howard and Costello's reasons why Labor is bad by rote—as pre-masticated by Murdoch.

He just recites them, without thinking about them.

He's basically like a particularly stupid LLM—a dull automaton.

So for example, he's been told deficits are bad, and Labor are bad budget managers because they run deficits.

Doesn't matter that Labor ran two consecutive surpluses after a decade of Coalition deficits.

Because he lacks the capacity to independently think up a different line of attack.

Likewise, he's been told interest rates always go up under Labor, and are lower under the Coalition.

Doesn't matter that rates were cut that very day.

Because he lacks the capacity to independently think up a different line of attack.

He's just not a very smart man.
An(g)us also went to the Hockeynomics School of percentages. Is he on top of anything? Ever?