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Yay. Less than hour 'til Antony Green starts giggling over his big touch screen. (For one of the last times sadly.)

Democracy manifest. Love elections.


#wapol #auspol
Poor #BasilZempilas
Claims to be a victim of a "smear campaign".
This is the dickhead who is supported by #KerryStokes newspapers #TheWestAustralian and #TheSundayTimes.
And Basil with that help got to be #LordMayorOfPerth.
And then proceeded to denigrate transgender women on his radio show.
Smear? Seems redundant.
Personally find Zempilas slimy from the few appearances I've seen, but there'd my bias against his politics affecting that. Still, strikes me as having all the sincerity of a dodgy game show host.

Based on Stokes' shocking run of fails - including Roberts-Smith, Lehrmann and the 'culture' at Seven - assume Stokes' pick for Liberal leader/premier will fall just as flat.
